Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs 
 5351   1,925  RFP node-fork-stream  886646  Fork a stream in multiple directions  0 
 5352   997  RFP sword-comm-mhc  883932  Matthew Henry Commentary for SWORD  0 
 5353   121  RFP falco  842306  Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to d…  13 
 5354   2,328  RFP ruby-winrm  839070  Ruby library for Windows Remote Management  28 
 5355   1,923  RFP node-gulp-less  884834  Gulp extension for using the LESS CSS compiler  0 
 5356   2,242  RFP litesql  849233  C++ object-relational persistence framework  1 
 5357   684  RFP py-evm  884796  A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine  0 
 5358   2,332  RFP mrustc  885627  alternative Rust compiler  0 
 5359   1,925  RFP node-from  885779  Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions  0 
 5360   82  RFP node-gulp-if  884842  Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects.  0 
 5361   1,925  RFP node-scss-tokenizer  885456  SCSS syntax tokenizer  0 
 5362   684  RFP eth-bloom  887341  An implementation of the Ethereum bloom filter  0 
 5363   1,925  RFP node-stdout-stream  885554  non-blocking standard output stream  0 
 5364   240  RFP electron-cash  885426  Lightweight Bitcoin Cash client  0 
 5365   262  RFP herbie  886481  Synthesis for floating-point expressions  0 
 5366   2,042  RFP lnd  886577  Lightning Network Daemon  0 
 5367   2,359  RFP arasuite  883335  set of tools useful for working with people with communicat…  0 
 5368   1,925  RFP node-gulp-insert  884843  String manipulation library for Gulp  0 
 5369   2,292  RFP cider-nrepl  885409  nREPL middleware for CIDER  0 
 5370   1,932  RFP reqrypt  885705  a HTTP request tunneling tool  0 
 5371   2,280  RFP leansdr  887127  Lightweight, portable software-defined radio with leandvb f…  0 
 5372   2,342  RFP marionette.js  884746  application framework for Backbone.js  0 
 5373   1,925  RFP node-gulp-footer  884833  Gulp extension for adding footers to files  0 
 5374   2,310  RFP errol  886022  Automatic XMPP file sender and directory watcher  0 
 5375   1,925  RFP node-indx  886641  recursive "require" for Node.JS  0 
 5376   1,925  RFP node-temp-write  884861  Write string/buffer/stream to a temporary file  0 
 5377   2,252  RFP lua-psl  848028  Bindings to libpsl, a C library that handles the Public Suf…  15 
 5378   1,925  RFP node-gulp-closure-deps  884841  Gulp extension for generating Closure deps.js files  0 
 5379   1,346  RFP openr  887051  Open/R extensible network routing platform  0 
 5380   2,310  RFP python-unittest-mixins  887812  helpful class mix-ins for Python unit tests  0 
 5381   673  RFP carml  890004  command-line tool to query and control a running Tor  0 
 5382   2,312  RFP momoko  887513  Wraps asynchronous Psycopg2 for Tornado.  0 
 5383   2,295  RFP gnome-shell-extension-backslide  889554  wallpaper slideshow extension for GNOME Shell  0 
 5384   2,271  RFP siegfried  851706  signature-based file format identification tool  3 

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!