Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1   853  ITP libstatistics-zscore-perl  1003208  Perl scoring module that uses statistics standard score.  0  Christophe Maudoux
 2   854  ITP libgeohash-perl  1003132  Perl module to handle geohash.  0  Christophe Maudoux
 3   716  ITP libobject-pad-fieldattr-isa-perl  1011462  apply class type constraints to Object::Pad fields  5  Damyan Ivanov
 4   231  ITP libalien-base-modulebuild-perl  1052224  subclass of Module::Build for building Alien:: modules and …  2  Francesco Paolo Lovergine
 5   214  ITP libdatetime-format-excel-perl  510515  Perl library to convert between DateTime and Excel dates.  10  Francesco P. Lovergine
 6   2,134  ITP libtime-olsontz-data-perl  719146  Olson timezone data wrapper  0  gregor herrmann
 7   2,134  ITP libdatetime-timezone-olson-perl  719149  module for accessing timezones from the Olson database  0  gregor herrmann
 8   961  ITP libxml-amazon-perl  994518  Perl extension for getting information from Amazon websites  1  gregor herrmann
 9   1,192  ITP libselenium-remote-driver-perl  839569  Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver  86  Hideki Yamane
 10   2,189  ITP libai-categorizer-perl  898432  Automatic Text Categorization  1  Laurent Baillet
 11   381  ITP libdbix-class-toposort-perl  1034754  topological sorting functionality to DBIx::Class  0  Mason James
 12   380  ITP libdbix-simple-class-perl  1034772  advanced object construction for DBIx::Simple  0  Mason James
 13   351  ITP libnet-pop3s-perl  1034741  SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::POP3  0  Mason James
 14   457  ITP libbiblio-zotero-db-perl  1030646  helper module to access the Zotero SQLite database  0  Mason James
 15   457  ITP libwebservice-lucene-perl  1030686  Module to interface with the Lucene indexing webservice  0  Mason James
 16   586  ITP libhttpd-bench-apachebench-perl  1021023  Perl API for Apache benchmarking and regression testing  0  Mason James
 17   381  ITP libcollision-2d-perl  1034742  continuous 2d collision detection  0  Mason James
 18   461  ITP libbiblio-document-parser-perl  1030294  document parsing framework  0  Mason James
 19   463  ITP libcatmandu-lido-perl  1030105  modules for handling LIDO data within the Catmandu framework  0  Mason James
 20   380  ITP libdbix-class-journal-perl  1034775  auditing for tables managed by DBIx::Class  1  Mason James
 21   473  ITP libplaywright-perl  1029306  Perl client for Playwright  0  Mason James
 22   457  ITP libdbix-class-graph-perl  1030651  represent a graph in a relational database using DBIC  0  Mason James
 23   456  ITP liblido-xml-perl  1030800  Lido XML parser and writer  0  Mason James
 24   343  ITP libplack-middleware-prometheus-reques…  1036965  Perl module that records response times with a prometheus h…  0  Mason James
 25   1,955  ITP libwebservice-hmrc-vat-perl  916862  Interact with the UK HMRC VAT API  0  Robert James Clay
 26   1,704  ITP libweasel-driver-selenium2-perl  877752  Weasel driver wrapping Selenium::Remote::Driver  0  Robert James Clay
 27   1,704  ITP libpherkin-extension-weasel-perl  877796  Pherkin extension for web-testing  0  Robert James Clay
 28   1,955  ITP libwebservice-hmrc-perl  916861  Interact with the UK HMRC Making Tax Digital API  0  Robert James Clay
 29   2,081  ITP libcrypt-perl-perl  907353  Perl module implementing cryptography functions in pure Perl  14  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 30   1,704  ITP libnet-acme2-perl  939759  Client logic for the ACME (Let's Encrypt) protocol  13  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 31   1,643  ITP libfast-perl  944312  FAST Analysis of Sequences Toolbox  1  Steffen Moeller

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!