Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner Reporter
 1951   1,124  ITP wowlet  986323  a free Wownero desktop wallet  0  wowlet wowlet
 1952   41  ITP wshowkeys  947858  Displays keypresses on screen on supported Wayland composit…  0  Birger Schacht Birger Schacht
 1953   126  ITP wstroke  1059636  Mouse gesture plugin for Wayfire based on Easystroke  0  Daniel Kondor Daniel Kondor
 1954   1,710  ITP wtfutil  935956  personal information dashboard for terminal  0  Jongmin Kim Jongmin Kim
 1955   265  ITP wtmpdb  1043507  Year 2038 safe wtmp implementation  1  Sven Joachim Sven Joachim
 1956   237  ITP wxformbuilder  390135  Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets  19  Steve M Sandro Tosi
 1957   64  ITP xar  1065104  Archiver for the macOS eXtensible ARchive format  5  Ole Streicher Ole Streicher
 1958   998  ITP xchroot  721447  extended chroot with X11/Xorg forwarding  0  Elmar Stellnberger Elmar Stellnberger
 1959   670  ITP xdelta3-python  950975  Fast delta encoding in python using xdelta3  0  Jelmer Vernooij Jelmer Vernooij
 1960   234  ITP xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt  1051790  xdg-desktop-portal implemenation for libfm-qt xdg-desktop-p…  0  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 1961   879  ITP xephem  995227  An interactive astronomical ephemeris for X  13  Łukasz Sanocki Łukasz Sanocki
 1962   1,372  ITP xfce4-alsa-plugin  966402  Simple ALSA control for xfce4-panel  0  Job Bautista Job Bautista
 1963   551  ITP xfce4-calculator-plugin  850459  calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel  4  Akbarkhon Variskhanov Tim Wootton
 1964   1,470  ITP xfce4-desktop-service  955327  Use whatever file manager you want with Xfce  0  Thomas Castleman Thomas Castleman
 1965   1,819  ITP xfce4-taskbar-plugin  928621  Windows 7 Taskbar Mimic for XFCE  0  Null Nullington Null Nullington
 1966   1,145  ITP xfce4-xapp-status-plugin  985310  Xapp status icon plugin for the Xfce 4 panel  0  Joshua Peisach Joshua Peisach
 1967   240  ITP xh  1051320  Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests  13  Blair Noctis Blair Noctis
 1968   702  ITP xmlschema  959164  XML Schema for Python  0  Alvin Chen Alvin Chen
 1969   156  ITP xnvme  1038161  Cross-platform libraries and tools for efficient I/O and lo…  0  Simon A. F. Lund Simon A. F. Lund
 1970   1,226  ITP xotes  978030  simple personal note management system  0  Jameson Graef Rollins Jameson Graef Rollins
 1971   1,350  ITP xplayer-pl-parser  968861  xplayer playlist parser  0  Joshua Peisach Joshua Peisach
 1972   764  ITP xpra-html5  1008226  HTML5 client for Xpra  107  Thomas Koch Thomas Koch
 1973   603  ITP xreader  958981  A generic document reader  35  Hugo Ziviani Hugo Ziviani
 1974   2,230  ITP xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo  760025  X.Org X server -- fbturbo display driver  176  Dominik George Vagrant Cascadian
 1975   2,089  ITP xserver-xorg-video-sunffb  906056  X.Org X server -- Sun FFB display driver  2  Gregor Riepl Gregor Riepl
 1976   92  ITP xsf-xmpp-xeps  1062463  XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs)  0  Martin Martin
 1977   354  ITP xsocs  949590  Automatic analysis of 5D sets of data  1  Alexandre Marie Alexandre Marie
 1978   2,068  ITP xul-ext-cardbook  881379  Thunderbird address book based  0  Minkush Jain W. Martin Borgert
 1979   1,861  ITP yamljs.js  882090  JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder  0  Andreas Moog Michael Lustfield
 1980   1,902  ITP yarock  920688  A music player in c++/Qt designed to provide a clean, simpl…  2
 1981   267  ITP yass  1043399  Yet Another Shadow Socket is client-server model based and …  1  Chilledheart Chilledheart
 1982   1,058  ITP yugabyte-db  989673  The high-performance distributed SQL database for global, i…  0  Mikhail Bautin Mikhail Bautin
 1983   954  ITP zabbix-api  923870  implementation of the Zabbix API in Python  0  Bas Zoetekouw Bas Zoetekouw
 1984   77  ITP zellij  1064050  a terminal workspace with batteries included  4  Arturo Borrero Gonzalez Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
 1985   2,015  ITP zeyple  902309  Automatically encrypt outgoing emails  0  Zebulon McCorkle Zebulon McCorkle
 1986   1,260  ITP zfs-linux-git  891890  zfsonlinux packaging tracking git master  0
 1987   104  ITP zig  995670  General-purpose programming language and toolchain for main…  17  Nick Hastings Jason Ernst
 1988   1,294  ITP zig-game  972399  A fast paced, retro style, 2D vector arcade game with 50 le…  0  Ben Campbell Ben Campbell
 1989   1,027  ITP zipkin  990941  Distributed tracing system  0  Jelmer Vernooij Jelmer Vernooij
 1990   1  ITP zlib-ng  1002056  optimized zlib compression library  0  Guillem Jover Guillem Jover
 1991   509  ITP zola  976052  static site generator  40  Jonas Smedegaard Sebastien CHAVAUX
 1992   592  ITP zpaqfranz  1019139  Swiss army knife for backup and disaster recovery  1  Franco Corbelli root
 1993   1,302  ITP zsh-completions  849878  Additional completion  19  Georgy Komarov shirish शिरीष
 1994   904  ITP zsh-histdb  998883  scalable command history with git versioning and sync acros…  0  Daniel Gröber Daniel Gröber

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!