Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   2,210  ITP servo-hdctools  896111  Chrome OS Hardware Debug & Control Tools  0  Ana Guerrero Lopez
 252   2,210  ITP servod-tools  896103  manage multiple servo control boards automatically  0  Ana Guerrero Lopez
 253   2,203  ITP node-gunzip-maybe  897019  Node.js module that optionally gunzips a stream  0  Paolo Greppi
 254   2,160  ITP node-microbuffer  901055  Light implementation of binary buffer  0
 255   2,144  ITP kgraphviewer  675033  KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE 5  0  Simon Quigley
 256   2,157  ITP misterhouse  586135  Home Automation with Perl  0
 257   959  ITP chmdeco  415700  Compiled HTML Help (CHM) decompiler  0  Paul Wise
 258   1,195  ITP node-gulp-header  884832  Gulp extension for adding  0  Jirawat I.
 259   2,335  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-wrap  884461  Provides the ability to wrap wiki text inside containers  0  Maarten Horden
 260   1,970  ITP roadfighter  819698  Drive a car in a death race  3  Carlos Donizete Froes
 261   2,218  ITP node-raphael  885874  JavaScript library to work with vector graphics  0  Pirate Praveen
 262   2,320  ITP node-into-stream  885844  Convert a buffer/string/array/object/ iterable/promise into…  0  Manas kashyap
 263   2,278  ITP vectis  843486  build software in a disposable virtual machine  0  Simon McVittie
 264   1,326  ITP libip2location  743502  C library to query geolocation and other details of an IP  0  IP2Location
 265   2,315  ITP filter-other-days  886310  filter logfiles for today's date in an Artificial Ignorance…  0  AJ Jordan
 266   2,335  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz  884494  Create directed and non-directed graph images  0  Maarten Horden
 267   905  ITP ponymix  839940  CLI volume control for PulseAudio  1
 268   2,316  ITP workalendar  886223  Worldwide holidays and working days helper and toolkit  0  Vincent Bernat
 269   2,188  ITP node-es-to-primitive  887133  ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES6 ve…  0  Pirate Praveen
 270   111  ITP bash-unit  839210  bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professi…  1  Martin Dosch
 271   2,315  ITP chapel-minimal  731534  Minimal compiler for Chapel, a productive parallel programm…  0  Ben Albrecht
 272   1,387  ITP webext-librejs  659348  browser plugin to block non-free JS  0  John Scott
 273   244  ITP node-normalize-url  886873  Normalize a URL - Node.js module  0  Paolo Greppi
 274   2,314  ITP node-react-error-overlay  886234  overlay for displaying stack frames  0  Pirate Praveen
 275   395  ITP ms-sys  808414  Program used to write Microsoft-compatible boot records  28  Ben Westover
 276   1,321  ITP kwant  886418  Python package for numerical quantum transport calculations  0  Christoph Groth
 277   2,272  ITP frontaccounting  884952  web-based double entry accounting and ERP program  0  Janusz Dobrowolski
 278   1,537  ITP ctmg  816864  Simple wrapper around cryptsetup for encrypted containers  2  Mathieu Mirmont
 279   1,787  ITP snap-byob  727644  block-based drag-and-drop programming environment  0
 280   2,342  ITP journalwatch  883887  Simple log monitoring utility for the systemd journal  0  Ralf Jung
 281   2,306  ITP node-npm-registry-client  887121  It handles all the caching and HTTP calls.  0  Manas kashyap
 282   932  ITP flatcam  844643  2D Computer-Aided PCB Manufacturing on a CNC router  0  Romain Porte
 283   2,105  ITP node-srcset  901205  Parse and Stringify the <img>srcset tool  0  Rishi
 284   2,339  ITP libvdwxc  884103  Library of van der Waals density functionals  0  Graham Inggs
 285   2,147  ITP node-pedding  902082  Just pedding for callback.  0  Zebulon McCorkle
 286   2,147  ITP node-http-assert  902066  Assert with status codes  0  Zebulon McCorkle
 287   2,102  ITP node-humanize-ms  884297  transform humanize time to ms  0  Pirate Praveen
 288   2,366  ITP jtextfsm  842980  template based state machine for parsing semi-formatted text  0  Vincent Bernat
 289   11  ITP cashbox  1069879  memorise cost and calculate price of articles  0
 290   359  ITP tvb-framework  901868  The complete framework for running The Virtual brain  0  umar haruna abdullahi
 291   106  ITP sigal  879239  Simple Static Gallery Generator  2
 292   2,146  ITP dupd  901944  A fast and efficient CLI file duplicate detection utility  0  'Daniel Sullivan'
 293   2,059  ITP fijnstof  902277  reads UART sensors and distributes measurements  0  Jeroen Kransen
 294   2,148  ITP if97  901854  C++ implementation of the IAPWS-IF97 equations  0  Kurt Kremitzki
 295   2,142  ITP sodalite  902360  Keyboard-driven terminal file navigator and launcher  0  Heiko Nickerl
 296   2,147  ITP node-is-type-of  902074  Complete type checking for Node.js  0  Zebulon McCorkle
 297   2,147  ITP node-is-class  902071  Check if function is an ES6 class.  0  Zebulon McCorkle
 298   2,126  ITP enchive  903660  long-term archive encryption tool  0  zebmccorkle
 299   2,157  ITP linoleum  901314  Java desktop environment and software distribution  0
 300   213  ITP libdatetime-format-excel-perl  510515  Perl library to convert between DateTime and Excel dates.  10  Francesco P. Lovergine

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!