Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1801   943  ITP conda  926416  OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosys…  176  Andreas Tille
 1802   12  ITP dwarfs  1068852  efficient high-compression read-only filesystem  5
 1803   41  ITP lem  1065658  Lem semantic definition language  3  Bo YU
 1804   75  ITP upmpdcli  1065473  UPnP Media Renderer front-end to MPD, the Music Player Daem…  27  Jean-Francois Dockes
 1805   66  ITP gtklock-powerbar-module  1065403  gtklock module adding  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1806   63  ITP ultimateultimateguitar  1067050  CLI for the ultimateguitar website  3  Salvo Tomaselli
 1807   34  ITP sail-ocaml  1065419  Sail architecture definition language  0  Bo YU
 1808   75  ITP omd  1065417  omd-ocaml  15  Bo YU
 1809   7  ITP apkinspector  1060004  provide detailed insights into the structure of APK files  1  Dale Richards
 1810   135  ITP brpc  1060006  Apache's brpc - Industrial-grade RPC framework  1  Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
 1811   266  ITP audio-recorder  830207  record what is played in the loudspeakers  35  Rolf Leggewie
 1812   40  ITP badwolf  1068355  A minimalist privacy oriented Webkit browser  3  Matthew Arnold
 1813   108  ITP tasmota-device-manager  1062335  GUI application to manage, configure and monitor devices fl…  1
 1814   95  ITP python-autodocsumm  1063633  API that automatically extends sphinx  0  Marcos Rodrigues de Carvalho …
 1815   108  ITP rust-jpegxl  1062431  crate to work with jpegxl files  0  Matthias Geiger
 1816   108  ITP rust-sourceview5  1062432  rust binding for gtksourceview  0  Matthias Geiger
 1817   70  ITP llama.cpp  1063673  Inference of Meta's LLaMA model (and others) in pure C/C++  0  Christian Kastner
 1818   108  ITP xsf-xmpp-xeps  1062463  XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs)  0  Martin
 1819   74  ITP libjs-jush  1060071  JavaScript Syntax Highlighter  0  Alexandre Rossi
 1820   127  ITP gtklock-userinfo-module  1059866  user info module for gtklock  2  Maytham Alsudany
 1821   134  ITP golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authe…  1060126  Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) Extensions for Go (…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1822   134  ITP golang-github-azure-go-amqp  1060124  aMQP 1.0 client library for Go (library)  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1823   133  ITP sirit  1060170  library for runtime SPIR-V assembly  0  David James
 1824   107  ITP fin-stat  1059593  add the new package fin-stat  0  nobody
 1825   111  ITP dds-ktx  1060208  header-only library for reading KTX format textures  0  David James
 1826   106  ITP mailctl  1062765  IMAP/SMTP clients with the capabilities of renewal and auth…  0  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 1827   131  ITP qhotkey  1060241  global hotkey library for desktop qt-applications  0  Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
 1828   132  ITP python-django-ansible-base  1060265  Reusable base for Ansible applications using Django  0  Jérémy Lal
 1829   105  ITP python-pyhanko  1062808  Sign and stamp PDF files  0  Bastian Germann
 1830   131  ITP laniakea  1060284  Repository management suite for Debian-based OSes  0  Matthias Klumpp
 1831   84  ITP golang-github-go-quicktest-qt  1063929  Quick helpers for testing Go applications using generics.  0  Loren M. Lang
 1832   131  ITP python-nh3  1060291  Python bindings to the ammonia HTML sanitization library.  0  Alexandre Detiste
 1833   2,065  ITP tic80  909384  fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing games  41  Dominik George
 1834   131  ITP node-yarn-plugin-apt  1060312  Yarn plugin to resolve dependencies from packages installed…  0  Robinson Uchechukwu
 1835   105  ITP fennel  919930  a lisp that compiles to Lua  1
 1836   89  ITP ukui-search  1062977  User-wide desktop search of ukui  0  xibowen
 1837   128  ITP network-event-broker  1060439  run scripts on systemd network events  0  Tobias Schaffner
 1838   84  ITP pwru  1063031  eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger  0  Loren M. Lang
 1839   891  ITP proj-data  952459  Cloud-optimized GeoTIFF datum grids for PROJ  27,442  Bas Couwenberg
 1840   805  ITP scantailor-advanced  940329  interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages  17
 1841   838  ITP cassandra  585905  highly scalable distributed datastore  233
 1842   1,228  ITP woeusb  869875  Bootable USB Storage Creator for Windows Installer/PE  189  林博仁
 1843   177  ITP imhex  976805  Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers  45  Mo Zhou
 1844   1,802  ITP openboardview  930452  viewer of schematics for electronic boards  45  Steffen Moeller
 1845   1,227  ITP broot  948483  an interactive CLI directory browser  28
 1846   1,175  ITP snuffleupagus  894821  Security module for php7 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-p…  3
 1847   1,918  ITP ocs-url  920186  A program enabling web-installation of items served via Ope…  375
 1848   174  ITP onefetch  943720  Command-line Git information tool  9  Ossama Hjaji
 1849   172  ITP koreader  969266  a document viewer (PDF, DjVu, CBT, CBZ, EPUB, FB2, Mobi, DO…  53
 1850   329  ITP ulauncher  949358  Universal launcher  184

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!