Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   1,047  ITP dde-file-manager  871971  File manager for Deepin  8  clay stan
 352   1,219  ITP dde-clipboard  980290  DDE optional clipboard manager component  7  clay stan
 353   1,013  ITP powder-toy  992067  A free physics sandbox game  0  clay stan
 354   1,229  ITP dde  979476  meta package for Deepin Desktop Environment  8  clay stan
 355   968  ITP dpa-ext-gnomekeyring  987335  GNOME keyring extension for dde-polkit-agent  8  clay stan
 356   1,368  ITP deepin-desktop-schemas  968795  GSettings deepin desktop-wide schemas  9  clay stan
 357   1,336  ITP dde-api  970706  Golang bindings for dde-daemon  9  clay stan
 358   1,368  ITP dde-daemon  968782  A Daemon for handling the deepin session settings  9  clay stan
 359   1,348  ITP startdde  968793  start deepin desktop environment  9  clay stan
 360   1,159  ITP deepin-gtk-theme  974541  Deepin Gtk Themes  9  clay stan
 361   1,159  ITP cornus  984757  A fast file browser for Linux  0  clay stan
 362   1,047  ITP dde-session-ui  871973  dde-session-ui module for Deepin  9  clay stan
 363   745  ITP warpd  1010296  A modal keyboard driven pointer manipulation program  0  Clay Stan
 364   1,434  ITP wahay  962953  Easy-to-use, secure and decentralized conference call  0  Clement Hermann
 365   1,491  ITP ruby-growl  958237  Pure-Ruby Growl Notifier  2  'Cocoa'
 366   1,367  ITP ruby-selenium-statistics  968809  Generate information about Selenium commands  0  'Cocoa'<>
 367   34  ITP python-pyzmq  1068868  Python bindings for 0MQ  0  Cody Scott
 368   36  ITP python-atcom  1068863  A tool which makes AT communication easier.  0  Cody Scott
 369   654  ITP aprs-weather-submit  1016674  Manually submit weather station data to the APRS-IS network  1  Colin Cogle
 370   335  ITP qatlib  1038726  Intel(R) QuickAssist Technology hardware accelleration for …  0  Colin Ian King
 371   308  ITP ipp-crypto  1041315  Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography  0  Colin Ian King
 372   308  ITP libtypec  1023477  user-space library for accessing USB-C/USB-PD metadata  0  Colin King (gmail)
 373   128  ITP wolfram-engine  1032150  A local Wolfram Engine to put computational intelligence in…  48  Connor Gray
 374   612  ITP oxdna-cuda  1019890  coarse-grained simulation software for DNA, RNA, and relate…  0  Constantine Evans
 375   91  ITP rocm-tensile  1064257  ROCm tool for generating and benchmarking assembly kernels  0  Cordell Bloor
 376   342  ITP miopen  1037459  ROCm library for machine learning primitives  0  Cordell Bloor
 377   737  ITP detwinner  1010954  A file duplicate finder  1  count omega
 378   522  ITP sparrow  1024547  Bitcoin wallet with a focus on privacy and usability  39
 379   325  ITP remindcal  1038697  Terminal Frontend for Remind  0  Cube
 380   1,252  ITP mathlib  977361  Library for correctly-rounded transcendental functions  0  Cyril Bouvier
 381   1,308  ITP retroshare  659069  Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and fi…  8  Cyril Soler
 382   866  ITP su-exec  1003059  switch user and group id, setgroups and exec  0
 383   8  ITP apkinspector  1060004  provide detailed insights into the structure of APK files  1  Dale Richards
 384   177  ITP restic-rest-server  1040667  high performance HTTP server that implements restic's REST …  0  Dale Richards
 385   393  ITP session-manager-plugin  1034749  This plugin helps you to use the AWS Command Line Interface…  151  Damian Szuberski
 386   728  ITP libobject-pad-fieldattr-isa-perl  1011462  apply class type constraints to Object::Pad fields  5  Damyan Ivanov
 387   399  ITP torctl  1034507  Redirect all traffic through tor network  1  Danial Behzadi
 388   36  ITP python-sphinx-wagtail-theme  1054350  Sphinx theme for Wagtail  0  Danial Behzadi
 389   145  ITP blanket  1053209  listen to relaxing sounds  9  Danial Behzadi
 390   88  ITP golang-github-txthinking-runnergroup  1064432  RunnerGroup library for Golang.  0  Danial Behzadi
 391   155  ITP gaiaxpy  1021385  Library to facilitate handling Gaia BP/RP spectra as distri…  0  Daniela Ruz-Mieres
 392   445  ITP pysilfont  1032272  utilities for font development  0  Daniel Baumann
 393   841  ITP pre-commit-hooks  1004549  out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit  1  Daniel Baumann
 394   451  ITP deluge-plugins-extra  646107  additional deluge plugins  0  Daniel Baumann
 395   1,887  ITP logbot  925193  IRC logger and publisher  0  Daniel Baumann
 396   1,198  ITP netdata-dashboard  982220  react-based UI  0  daniel.baumann@progress-linux…
 397   1,173  ITP cryptopant  984544  IP Address Anonymization Library  0  daniel.baumann@progress-linux…
 398   1,198  ITP netdata-kernel-collector  982219  eBPF collector plugin for netdata  0  daniel.baumann@progress-linux…
 399   1,196  ITP netdata-go.d.plugin  951837  netdata plugins written in Go  0  daniel.baumann@progress-linux…
 400   803  ITP pcapy-ng  1006967  Python module for the pcap packet capture library  0  daniel.baumann@progress-linux…

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!