Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1851   999  ITP python-baron  992952  Full Syntax Tree for python for refactoring code  10  Jonas Smedegaard
 1852   226  ITP libdatetime-format-excel-perl  510515  Perl library to convert between DateTime and Excel dates.  10  Francesco P. Lovergine
 1853   1,057  ITP deepin-compressor  977582  lightweight archive manager of DDE  10  Tu Qinggang
 1854   506  ITP mesact  1027457  Mesa Configuration Tools for LinuxCNC  10  Steffen Moeller
 1855   118  ITP meli  1001084  terminal mail client  10  Jonas Smedegaard
 1856   174  ITP spectrum2  672699  XMPP transport/gateway  11  Tobias Frost
 1857   192  ITA pyjunitxml  1055621  PyUnit extension for reporting in JUnit compatible XML  11
 1858   112  ITP grype  1061720  A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems  12  Daniel Echeverri
 1859   45  ITP ruptime  1013361  poor man's ruptime  12  Gürkan Myczko
 1860   1,195  ITP buf  980433  Better way to work with Protocol Buffers  12  Arnaud Rebillout
 1861   1,195  ITA python-libtrace  970377  Python bindings for the libtrace API  13
 1862   110  ITP chatterino  1061336  Chatterino is a chat client for Twitch chat. It aims to be …  13  matt
 1863   257  ITP xh  1051320  Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests  13  Blair Noctis
 1864   896  ITP xephem  995227  An interactive astronomical ephemeris for X  13  Łukasz Sanocki
 1865   109  ITP aida-x  1061260  Amp Model Player leveraging AI  13
 1866   0  ITP hardinfo2  1071528  Hardinfo2 offers System Information and Benchmark for Linux…  14  Lucas Castro
 1867   2,094  ITP libcrypt-perl-perl  907353  Perl module implementing cryptography functions in pure Perl  14  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 1868   1,151  ITP librdata  985964  C/C++ library to manipulate GNU R data frames.  14  Filippo Rusconi
 1869   272  ITP half  1049960  C++ library for half precision floating point arithmetics  14  Christian Kastner
 1870   730  ITP inkscape-silhouette  1011387  An extension to drive Silhouette vinyl cutters (e.g. Cameo,…  14  Dominik George
 1871   1,716  ITP libnet-acme2-perl  939759  Client logic for the ACME (Let's Encrypt) protocol  14  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 1872   76  ITP omd  1065417  omd-ocaml  15  Bo YU
 1873   118  ITP helix  1024683  efficient console-based modal text editor  15  Jonas Smedegaard
 1874   65  ITP hyprland  1040971  dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots  16  Alan M Varghese
 1875   157  ITP rdiffweb  969974  Rdiffweb is an open source web interface for rdiff-backup.  17  Patrik Dufresne
 1876   1,297  ITP qucs  714836  an integrated circuit simulator with a GUI  17  Ruben Undheim
 1877   1  ITP vaultwarden  1067023  Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust  17  Bernhard Dick
 1878   121  ITP zig  995670  General-purpose programming language and toolchain for main…  17  Nick Hastings
 1879   1,375  ITP freeipa-healthcheck  954160  Health check tool for FreeIPA  17  Timo Aaltonen
 1880   806  ITP scantailor-advanced  940329  interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages  17
 1881   46  ITP kompose  874049  conversion tool for all things compose (namely Docker Compo…  18  'Rahulkrishnan R A'
 1882   622  ITP thelounge  1019237  Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC cli…  18  Bo YU
 1883   1,319  ITP zsh-completions  849878  Additional completion  19  Georgy Komarov
 1884   1,002  ITP ruby-parser  992664  Ruby parser written in pure Ruby  19  Hideki Yamane
 1885   254  ITP wxformbuilder  390135  Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets  19  Steve M
 1886   1,732  ITP johnny  935483  GUI front-end for John the Ripper  20  Michael Cordingley
 1887   1,475  ITP eudev  765971  udev fork, independent of systemd trunk.  20
 1888   128  ITP quickemu  1018072  quickly create and run virtual machines  21  Maytham Alsudany
 1889   1,580  ITP minipro  949624  Utility for Minipro TL866 memory chip programmers  21  Lubomir Rintel
 1890   588  ITP libjiconfont-google-material-design-i…  970797  jIconFont - Google Material Design Icons  21  Masahiro Kitagawa
 1891   117  ITP cosign  1061446  Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries  21  Simon Josefsson
 1892   1,070  ITP elementary-theme  989350  GTK stylesheet from elementary OS  22  Francisco M Neto
 1893   65  ITA dbf  888076  Python module for reading and writing dbf files  22  nobody
 1894   232  ITP bettercap-ui  1024640  bettercap's web UI  23  Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruvi…
 1895   862  ITA libmail-verify-perl  1001679  Utility to verify an email  24  Christophe Maudoux
 1896   1,480  ITA didiwiki  955989  simple wiki implementation with  25  Mahishasura
 1897   176  ITP tagainijisho  1004507  Japanese dictionary and learning assistant  26  Bryan Gardiner
 1898   1,288  ITP devuan-keyring  974048  GnuPG archive key of the devuan repository  26  Ivan J.
 1899   76  ITP upmpdcli  1065473  UPnP Media Renderer front-end to MPD, the Music Player Daem…  27  Jean-Francois Dockes
 1900   1,466  ITP evil-winrm  960731  Ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting  27  Pedro Loami Barbosa dos Santos

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!