Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1851   68  ITP k3conf  1037141  A Powerful Diagnostic Tool for Texas Instruments' K3 based …  0  Texas Instruments
 1852   67  ITA pyparted  1049429  Python 3 interface for libparted  1,251  Mitchell Dzurick
 1853   67  ITP coot  897673  model building program for macromolecular crystallography  1
 1854   66  ITA persp-projectile  904233  integrate perspective.el with projectile  5  Xiyue Deng
 1855   66  ITP python-msgspec  1066818  Fast serialization and validation library  0  Stein Magnus Jodal
 1856   66  ITP texlab  1040070  LSP (Language Server Protocol) implementation for TeX  0  Sebastian Crane
 1857   65  ITP gtklock-powerbar-module  1065403  gtklock module adding  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1858   63  ITP hyprland-protocols  1051806  Wayland protocol extensions for Hyprland.  1  Alan M Varghese
 1859   63  ITP hyprland  1040971  dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots  16  Alan M Varghese
 1860   63  ITP hyprpaper  1065699  Wallpaper utility for Hyprland  1  Alan M Varghese
 1861   63  ITP tracy  1063442  Real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid …  0  Alan M Varghese
 1862   63  ITP libudis86  1061940  Disassembler for the x86 and x86-64 class of instructions s…  0  Alan M Varghese
 1863   63  ITP gtk-gnutella  1065479  Gnutella client  65  nobody
 1864   63  ITA dbf  888076  Python module for reading and writing dbf files  22  nobody
 1865   63  ITP vaultwarden  1067023  Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust  17  Bernhard Dick
 1866   62  ITP ultimateultimateguitar  1067050  CLI for the ultimateguitar website  3  Salvo Tomaselli
 1867   61  ITP ptyxis  1061368  terminal for GNOME # (was gnome-prompt)  0  Gürkan Myczko
 1868   61  ITP magpie  1040005  window manager for the budgie desktop  0  David Mohammed
 1869   60  ITA unar  1065113  Unarchiver for a variety of file formats  34,472
 1870   60  ITP ansible-creator  1067194  fastest way to generate all your ansible content  0  Guilherme de Paula Xavier Seg…
 1871   58  ITA trickle  994644  user-space bandwidth shaper  558
 1872   58  ITP teraboxutility  1067395  A python package for save file in TeraBox  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 1873   58  ITP python-fake-headers  1067402  package for generate headers to http requests  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 1874   58  ITP gcdemu  983453  GTK3-based GUI for controlling CDEmu daemon  54  Matteo Bini
 1875   57  ITP docker-squash  1010746  Squashing helps with organizing docker images in logical la…  0  Jonathan Dowland
 1876   57  ITP vulkanscenegraph  1016991  VulkanSceneGraph (VSG), is a modern, cross platform, high p…  0  Bret Curtis
 1877   57  ITP precis  1067524  Java implementation of the PRECIS Framework  0  Matthew Fennell
 1878   56  ITP wshowkeys  947858  Displays keypresses on screen on supported Wayland composit…  0  Birger Schacht
 1879   56  ITP kicad-gruvbox-theme  1067557  Gruvbox colorscheme for KiCad  1  Matthias Geiger
 1880   56  ITP subtile-ocr  1014093  subtitle converter from DVD VOB to SRT  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1881   55  ITP batsignal  1067606  Lightweight battery daemon written in C  1  nobody
 1882   53  ITP sentry-native  1059632  Sentry SDK for C, C++ and native applications  0  Roman Ondráček
 1883   52  ITP vst3sdk  943315  professional audio plugin development kit  0  IOhannes m zmoelnig
 1884   51  ITP python-memray  1067871  Memory profiler for Python applications  0  Yogeswaran Umasankar
 1885   50  ITP python-keep  1067928  Personal shell command keeper and snippets manager  0  Shriram Ravindranathan
 1886   50  ITP python-naked  1067948  a command line application framework  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 1887   49  ITP libsmb2  1068113  SMB2/3 client library  0  Joe Mondloch
 1888   47  ITP jolt  1068206  A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision dete…  0  Bret Curtis
 1889   46  ITP apt-fast  690183  shellscript wrapper for apt-get or aptitude  52  Marc Leeman
 1890   46  ITP golang-modernc-lexer  1065559  provides generating actionless scanners at run time  0  tous
 1891   46  ITP golang-modernc-file  1065568  write ahead log in Go  0  tous
 1892   45  ITA virtualenvwrapper  1063575  extension to virtualenv for managing multiple environments  2,629  Guilherme de Paula Xavier Seg…
 1893   45  ITP python-github-webhook  1068354  microframework for writing GitHub webhooks in Python  0  Kunal Mehta
 1894   44  ITP tcnopen  1053497  TCNOpen Library for IEC61375 standardised communication  0  Marc Leeman
 1895   44  ITP kompose  874049  conversion tool for all things compose (namely Docker Compo…  18  'Rahulkrishnan R A'
 1896   43  ITP emacs-corfu-terminal  1068440  Corfu popup on terminal  0  Xiyue Deng
 1897   43  ITP ruptime  1013361  poor man's ruptime  12  Gürkan Myczko
 1898   43  ITP librewolf  981291  community-maintained fork of librefox, privacy and security…  663  Kilian Romberg
 1899   42  ITP emacs-popon  1068441  Pop floating text on an Emacs window  0  Xiyue Deng
 1900   42  ITA mtd-utils  1051215  Memory Technology Device Utilities  2,628  Kartik Kulkarni

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!